Methods in Stream Restoration
As much of the
literature often points out, stream restoration is a relatively new ecological
approach to reversing anthropogenic degradation of the landscape. However, the
number of stream restoration projects has increased dramatically within the
past decade, with an annual cost exceeding one billion dollars (Bernhardt et.
al 2005). Success rates vary, and much of the conditions of success depend upon
the scope of the project. Unfortunately, it is quite rare for restoration
projects to restore all aspects required for a complete project, with many
being limited by the terms and qualifications of its funding.
Methods used in stream
restoration can be subdivided in a number of ways. They can be spatial and
temporal, theoretical and empirical, qualitative and quantitative, observational
or conversational. All methods incorporate some aspect of spatiality or
temporality. This can range from aerial photography and other forms of remote
sensing data, to historical analysis garnered from aerial photographs or simply
word of mouth: information transmitted by generations of primary witnesses. Stream
restoration is a science, and naturally requires a lot of quantitative information
acquired from data collection. Empirical data might then be sieved and sorted
through mathematical and statistical analysis. Quantitative data can also be approached
through modeling- by creating idealizations based on both observations and
theory. Conversely, quantitative data can be used for qualitative approaches,
which may arise in the form of broad classifications and grouping. Any of these
methods can be applied to a variety of criteria required in assessing broad
functions of streams, such as water quality, sediment transport, channel
morphology, riparian vegetation, habitat heterogeneity, and stream bank
This paper will examine
five methodologies used to assess the criteria mentioned above, and use
case-studies to illustrate how they work. Specifically, this paper will address:
Historical Data Collection
Numerical Modeling
Airborne/Aerial methods
Ground/ field- based methods
Classificatory methods
Historical Data Collection Methodologies
Historical data
collection is a vital component to stream restoration because it allows for the
capture of long-term trends in river systems (Gurnell et. al. 2003). Rivers are
dynamic, and the form and process characterizing a river reach at one point in
time most likely will not be the same at another point in time. This is the
reason why fluvial processes (meaning rivers and streams) are referred to as
dynamic systems.
The use of stream
gauges for real time data collection constructed at numerous reaches by the
USGS allows for an unbelievable amount of data to be collected. More
importantly, some of these gauges have been in commission for over fifty years.
Thus, the stream gauges not only allow for collection of large amounts of data,
but also allow for synthesis of long term trends.
Historical analysis
from maps and aerial photographs are vital to stream restoration projects. Such
documents can be used in a multitude of ways, which includes determining
previous channel widths, erosion rates, land-use changes, and a variety of
others (Cooke and Reeve 1976). Paleohydrology (ancient hydrologic processes
such as flow rates), geoarchaeology (studying geomorphic processes that occur
at archaeological sites), and historical geography are some other general examples
of the usefulness of historical data.
Historical data is
largely limited by extant and resolution. Photographs produced many years ago
may be difficult to see certain details. Aerial photographs are limited in
resolution and scale, and only a portion of the reach can be depicted (Gurnell
et. al. 2003).
In Natural Streams and the Legacy of Water-Powered Mills, Walter and
Merritts (2008) discuss a research project in Lancaster, PA addressing the role
of colonial mill dams in stream bank erosion in mid-Atlantic stream. Colonial
mill dams allow for the deposition of large amounts of sediments, which become
immobilized within the stream bank. These sediments are referred to as legacy
sediments (Schenk and Hupp 2009). During flood events, large portions of the
stream bank erode, leading to high sediment yields into the Chesapeake Bay.
Using historical maps,
Walter and Merritts were able to determine the extent of the mill dams. Using
geochronology (geologic methods of age-dating rocks), they were also able to
determine the age of the legacy sediments, which correlated to the same period
of the construction of the dams. However, while some important historical
characteristics of the stream were uncovered, large amounts of data were still
undetermined. For example, the historical morphology (shape) of the stream was
unknown. Riparian and in-stream data were limited to a small amount of uncovered
pollen samples. Understanding prior stream functions required quite a bit of
educated guesswork.
Numerical modeling is a
way of capturing the processes of streams and converting it to numbers,
equations, and other forms of visualizations. Models also “provide the basis
for aggregating from the scales of observation to the scales of interest”
(Kirkby 1996). In addition, numerical modeling allows for the determination of
thresholds: such as total maximum daily loads of sediment (TMDLs), sediment
entrainment and competency, as well as erosion rates. Darby and Wiel (2003)
list four different types of modeling: 1) conceptual models: providing qualitative
descriptions to understand processes and forms; 2) statistical and empirical
models: useful in determining relationships between variables; 3) analytical
models: based on physical approaches that compensate for limitations in
conceptual and empirical models; and 4) numerical models: multidimensional
analysis of spatial and temporal features.
One of the drawbacks of
numerical modeling is the inherent difficulty in converting complex systems to
a simple model. Also, fluvial systems are dynamic and variable. Models may be
limited in their applicability to streams. Models can be difficult to interpret
depending on the type of mathematics and statistics utilized, and applicability
will be limited to a specialized grouping of those that understand the
In the paper Development of an Ecohydraulics Model for
Stream and River Restoration (Bockelmann et. al. 2004) a river modeling tool
was developed using hydraulic, substrate, and ecological parameters. Ecohydrologic
modeling is the coupling of hydraulics and ecology to develop an understanding
of stream processes. Without getting bogged down with the mathematical specifics
of the model, the project called for using macroinvertebrates as indicators of
in-stream processes since they are relatively sensitive to both water quality
and hydraulic processes. All macroinvertebrates sampled were given a binary
code of 0 or 1 to categorize suitability within the stream (based on a variety
of parameters that is too lengthy to discuss in this paper), which they
referred to as a suitability index. A score of 0 meant unsuitable and a score
of 1 meant suitable. At each site
sampled the average suitability index was calculated so that a spatial
distribution could be developed along the reach to show variability and
patchiness of scores.
It is easy to discern
some of the inherent weaknesses and strengths in this approach. Macroinvertebrate
suitability indices can be subjective since it incorporates human bias in
determining which metrics to be used in the calculation. Macroinvertebrates are
notoriously patchy, and abundances often vary from year to year. As mentioned
previously, simplifying a complex process forces some aspects to be overlooked
or ignored.
Aerial/Airborne Methods
Spatial data allows for
analysis of topographic and other physical features of the landscape over a
particular scale. In terms of stream restoration, this is often performed
through remote sensing photogrammetry imaging, such as light detection and
range (LiDAR), electromagnetic radiation (emr), and sensors.
Aerial and airborne
methods have many benefits, particularly in its ability to cover large spatial
areas. When conducting LiDAR, absorption properties of water contrast highly
with those of land and vegetation, thus making fluvial features easily
distinguishable (Gilvear and Bryant 2003). It is much easier to store data in
digital format compared to traditional cartographic methods. Data collected by
remote sensing can then be used in geostatistical software and computations, or
used in programs such as ArcGIS for further spatial analysis.
There are limitations
to remote sensing that need to be considered. Some of the limitations include
dense vegetation cover that prevents clear visualization of the stream channel,
geometric accuracy in that the image may be distorted, and issues related to
scale and size since many fluvial systems can be quite large. Also, it is
difficult to get adequate resolution on very small reaches, or at the
micro-scale (Gilvear and Bryant 2003). Once stream width becomes less than
3-5m, resolution becomes less accurate (Diakite et. al 1986). First order and
second order ephemeral streams (those in which water flows less than 50% of the
year) can also become problematic. Conversely, those that require large spatial
scales can be costly and time-consuming.
In Hauer et. al (2008),
LiDAR is used to aid in reconnecting floodplains to allow for habitat for various
species of fish. Furthermore, LiDar, in addition to some numerical modeling, is
used to develop digital terrain models in order to take a snapshot of
micro-scale bathymetric heterogeneity within the stream channel. In other words, the goal was to be able to
determine if the structure of the stream channel is suitable for fish habitat.
The authors claimed that LiDAR is much more efficient than using historical
aerial maps because the degree of accuracy is much higher. However, the margin
of error for such analysis, even with high resolution remote sensing, becomes
magnified as channel width/size becomes smaller. Therefore, as channel width
decreases to a particular threshold the use of LiDAR begins to lose clarity.
Ground Based Methods
Process and field based
methods cover a wide variety of techniques that generally fall under the same
umbrella header of visual observations physically taken in the field, such as
the stream channel, floodplain, or riparian corridor. All of these require
taking direct measurements in the field and comparing these to standards and/or
thresholds, i.e. water quality standards determined by the EPA, TMDLs
determined by the state, sedimentation and erosion rates that are deemed
detrimental to habitat quality by biologists, etc.
Field based methods can
be for either geomorphic or biologic assessments. Some [rapid] geomorphic
approaches include the pebble count for particle size distribution, sediment
sampling to determine sediment load, discharge and other hydraulic geometry
properties (such as channel width, water velocity, and water depth), and water
chemistry. Some [rapid] biologic approaches include benthic invertebrate
(mainly aquatic insects and other arthropods) sampling, habitat assessments,
and descriptions of the riparian zone (the vegetated area directly adjacent to
the stream bank). Regardless of the type of assessment, these are useful tools
because they are quick, efficient, and relatively cheap. In terms of ecology,
rapid assessment allows for quantification of diversity and community
structure. In terms of geomorphology, rapid assessment allows for a depiction
of the physical processes occurring within the stream.
Ground based methods
are not without limitations. Primarily, these methods lack the ability of
measuring large spatial scales. For example, time and money constraints would
prevent for data collection of a stream reach that spans the range of
kilometers. Therefore, this method is largely limited to small reaches.
Additionally, this method can only provide information of the current condition
of the stream, and largely ignores historical functions.
Most stream restoration
projects incorporate some form of ground based methods, and so there is quite a
bit of literature discussing it. This paper will address a study by Buchanan
et. al. (2013) because it addresses both quantitative and qualitative features
of ground based methods, and consists of several years of post-restoration
data, oftentimes a rarity. The goal of the restoration was to reduce stream
bank erosion, create benthic habitat for fish and other invertebrates, and
adjust the sinuosity of the channel to allow for more efficient transportation
of sediment and release along the floodplain. A variety of methods were used:
Wolman Pebble Counts (counting 100 pebbles along the stream to determine the
dominant size), hydraulic geometry measurements (stream width, depth, velocity,
and discharge), sampling of the macroinvertebrates using rapid bioassessment,
as well as some numerical modeling, historical analysis, and Rosgen methods of
classification (discussed further in the next section). The stream was restored
in 2005, and analysis and monitoring continued until 2012. Although the
restoration was considered successful this statement does not come without its
qualifications. Macroinvertebrate diversities did not improve due to a lack of
proper habitat creation, and channel bed degradation continued immediately
after restoration.
– (Rosgen) Methods
With a
form-based/classification approach, a stream is compared to that of a
particular type. The Rosgen approach is used as a case study because this is
the most popular method, containing an abundance of data and examples, as well
as a ubiquity of criticism. In the Rosgen approach, formally known as Natural
Channel Design (NCD), streams are classified alpha-numerically, such as C2, B3,
F2a, for example (Rosgen 1994). This allows for a relatively easy way to
determine how a stream should be behaving. However, this also allows for a relatively
broad characterization of a stream. A broad generalization of classification is
problematic. First, it assumes that all streams under one alpha-numeric heading
are the same. Second, it ignores the possibility that the stream is in
transition, and the current snapshot may not be indicative of its typical
condition. Thirdly, it will encourage the forging of data such that it fits
properly within the expected classification.
The Rosgen debates,
often referred to as the Rosgen Wars (Lave 2009) are essentially arguments
between an academic culture of understanding restoration (the fluvial
geomorphologists with PhDs, and other geologists/geographers who have spent
considerable time with rivers) versus engineers and those in private consulting
firms who strictly employ the Rosgen methods. The Rosgen method of
classification dominates the stream restoration industry. Those who employ the
method do not necessarily have any academic training, but rather are educated
by a series of short courses taught by Rosgen himself. Those who are trained in
the academic field are largely shut out of participating in projects, simply because
they are not trained in the Rosgen method.
A common example used
by the opponents of Rosgen is the Uvas Creek restoration project (Simon et. al.
2007). The goal of the restoration of Uvas Creek in California was to return a
very unstable urban stream into a stable “C4” channel (Kondolf 2006). A C4
channel is characterized by well-defined point bars and floodplains that are
used to dissipate energy during high floodplains. However, within three months
of the restoration project, a six-year storm completely washed out the channel.
The ultimate explanation for the failure was the inability to incorporate
dynamic, temporal trends of the river over time, which a classificatory method
often overlooks.
There is no absolute method
in stream restoration (nor ideal for that matter), but there are certainly
methods that are better than others. Methods that strictly abide by one single paradigm
(i.e. Rosgen) are doomed for failure because they ignore the dynamism inherent
in fluvial systems. Therefore, it is imperative that restoration efforts
synthesize a multitude of different methods that incorporate a diverse amount
of perspectives. An effort that ignores historical land use will fail. An
effort that focuses on only small scales will fail because it ignores the
bigger picture. A project that emphasizes biotic without considering the
abiotic is destined to fail because the two are intimately intertwined.
Stream restoration can
be controversial, but it is important in an age of increasing environmental
degradation. As the amount of restoration efforts continue to increase, so will
understanding, and thus, success. Projects that incorporate the variety of
methods presented will be the ones that achieve the most success.
Bernhardt, E.S.,
Palmer M.A., Allan J.D., et. al. Synthesizing U.S River Restoration Efforts. Science 308: 636-637.
Bockelmann, B.
N., Fenrich, E. K., Lin, B., & Falconer, R. A. (2004). Development of an
ecohydraulics model for stream and river restoration. Ecological Engineering,
22(4–5), 227–235.
Buchanan, B. P.,
Nagle, G. N., & Walter, M. T. (2013). Long-Term Monitoring and Assessment
of a Stream Restoration Project in Central New York. River Research and
Cooke, R.U. and Reeves, R.W. (1976). Arroyos and Environmental Change
in the American South-West, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Darby, S.E., and Van De Wiel, M.J. (2003). Models in Fluvial
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Geomorphology, Cinchester, England: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 503-537.
Diakite, M., Yerheau, M., Bonn, F. (1986). The Utility of Landsat TM
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International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ERIM), Nairobi, pp.
Gilvear, D., and Bryant, R., (2003). Analysis of Aerial Photography and
Other Remotely Sensed Data. In: G.M. Kondolf and H. Piegey, eds., Tools in
Fluvial Geomorphology, Cinchester, England: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 135-170.
Gurnell, A.M., Peiry, J., Petts, G.E. (2003). Using Historical Data in
Fluvial Geomorphology. In: G.M. Kondolf and H. Piegey, eds., Tools in
Fluvial Geomorphology, Cinchester, England: John Wiley and Sons, pp.
Hauer, C.,
Mandlburger, G., Schober, B., & Habersack, H. (2012). Morphologically
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In: Rhoads, B.L and Thorn, C.E. eds., The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology,
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Kondolf, M.G. (2007).
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Lave, R. (2009).
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Schenk, E. R.,
& Hupp, C. R. (2009). Legacy Effects of Colonial Millponds on Floodplain
Sedimentation, Bank Erosion, and Channel Morphology, Mid-Atlantic, USA1. JAWRA
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 45(3), 597–606.
Simon, A, Doyle,
M., Kondolf, M., Shields Jr., F.D., Rhoads, B., McPhillips, M. (2007). Critical
Evalutation of how the Rosgen Classification and Associated “Natural Channel
Design” Methods Fail to Integrate and Quantify Fluvial Processes and Channel
Response. Journal of the American Water
Resources Association. 43(5).
Sudduth, E. B.,
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the Southeastern United States. Restoration Ecology, 15(3), 573–583.
Walter, R.C., Merritts, D.J. (2007) Natural Streams
and the Legacy of Water-Powered Mills. Science,
Vol. 319.
Alex, I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to leave a useful comment for the lone physical geographer in our cohort, but not only do I understand your argument about the need to approach stream restoration with a variety of methods due to the strengths and weaknesses of each, but I also found the part about Rosgen really interesting. My question is how, if it is clearly the worst method available, has the Rosgen approach come to dominate stream restoration? Is it simply a political-economic matter of the private consulting firms having a disproportinate ability to influence how stream restoration takes place? That wouldn't surprise me one bit. Nonetheless, it still seems strange that one individual could be so influential (with the help of the private consulting firms, of course). Who is this Rosgen guy, and why is he the Richard Florida (aka undeservingly popular despite bad ideas) of stream restoration?
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ReplyDeleteGreat question! Rebecca Lave has written an excellent paper (I mentioned her in my essay as well) taking a political ecological approach to explaining why Rosgen has become so popular despite its issues in academia. She lists a number of reasons, and I can send the link to it, but one of the key reasons is that Rosgens method is meant to universal in application and is easily teachable. Interestingly, Morgan Robertson has also done some research related to this and so I have been reading some of his papers that discuss it.
I wonder if the "success" of the Rosgren method (in attracting engineers and policymakers, at least) could be explained through some analysis from James Scott and Seeing Like a State? The classificatory system lines up pretty well with the way Scott describes states as imagining the world, and it also allows for broad, cheap, and more-or-less simple classifications of streams according to problems and solutions, which is basically how states want to think about things.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen Baker and King's 2010 article in Methods in Ecology and Evolution that proposed a new method for assessing stream biodiversity ( a step in restoration)? Caused something of an uproar from the guys behind the reference stream method. I think Baker is still dealing with the disciplinary uproar his new method caused.